How to Use Sauna Solution Belt

Introduction: Utility Belt

Have you ever want to make your own utility belt like superheros from comics? Well now you can with this set of instructions!

Step 1: Supplies

  • 5 Craft foam sheets (Ethylene-vinyl acetate, EVA foam) of 3-5 mm thickness in any colors you choose
  • Scissors
  • Craft glue suitable for foam, or a hot glue gun with glue sticks.
  • 1 fabric belt or waist strap with buckle or waist cincher, preferably made of nylon
  • 12 inch ruler
  • markers/pencil for marking
  • 2-3 pieces of graph paper (or any type of paper as substitute)
  • At least 5 feet of velcro (both the "fuzzy" side and the "rough" side)

Step 2: Measure Your Waist

Wrap the belt around your waist completely. Using the marker/pencil, mark a spot approximately 1.5 inches from where the belt completes your circumference. Cut a line following the mark you made, removing the excessive amounts of belt fabric.

Step 3: Create Pocket Templates (Part 1)

Take a piece of graph paper (or any kind of paper, but graph works best) to trace out the needed dimensions of your desired pockets. Depending on what you want your pockets to hold (phone, wallet, mints, etc) it is best to measure the item's dimensions and translate those numbers to the template size. For the purpose of these instructions, we are building a 2.25 inch by 3 inch decorative pocket.

Step 4: Pocket Templates (2)

  • From the bottom right corner of a piece of graph paper count 15 squares to the left (3.75 in), make a line on the bottom edge of the grid where you counted
  • From the bottom left end of the line measure 12 squares up (3 in), make connecting line with corner (left) bottom of previous line
  • Make line connecting to previous line 3 squares right(.75 in)
  • Make line connecting to previous line up 17 squares (4.75 in), starting with square above previous line
  • Make line connecting to previous line right 9 squares(2.25 in
  • Now do the instructions in reverse, starting with 17 squares down.

Step 5: Pocket Template (3)

Cut out along the lines that were made. (It should look like a mallet. Insert photo here)

Once you have created your desired template, cut it out

Step 6: Create Pockets

Take a piece of foam.

If you wish to add decor to the pockets, embellish them PRIOR to gluing them to the tool belt.

Step 7: Create Pockets (2)

Using your template, trace the template on the foam piece. Cut out the foam shape.

Step 8: Create Pockets (3)

Now take the long end of the foam cutout and wrap/fold it around to create the back and 'flap' of the pocket. Fold the two side flaps to the back of pocket and attach them using glue (or anything really). Glue the top flap down on the front. (for added detail, glue a strip of foam along the edge for depth. Get creative)

Step 9: The Buckle and Belt

Take ends of both the fuzzy strip and coarse strip and make a "T" with the fuzzy strip end facing vertically, and coarse strip horizontally. Fuzzy strip 3 edges must meet and interlock with middle of coarse strip. Cut fuzzy strip where it no longer is on coarse strip

Step 10: The Buckle and Belt (2)

Take fuzzy square and put it on end 3 edges of coarse strip cut off matching square for coarse strip

Step 11: The Buckle and Belt (3)

Measure out 4 feet of velcro (smooth/loop side) or however long belt is and attach to side of belt where buckle will be facing.

Measure out the same length of rough/hooked velcro and place it on the back side.

If your belt has extra length left over, place rough velcro on the back of it. It will stick to the front of the belt.

Step 12: Pockets

Prior to this step, ensure that the glue used on/in your pockets is dry.

With the "fuzzy" side of your belt facing out (helps prevent you from scratching your arms up while using the belt), cut three rectangles from the leftover "rough" Velcro. These will be utilized for your pockets.

Step 13: END

When all the glue settles and you apply the pockets to the velcro, the finish product should look like this.

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How to Use Sauna Solution Belt


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