University of Tennessee Knoxville College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Dean Thersea Lee
(Year in parentheses is year of get-go engagement at Georgia College & State University.)
Faculty A-H
Angel Rowe Abney, Assistant Professor of Mathematics Education (2005)
B.Southward., Grand.Southward. Georgia Southern University, Ph.D. University of Georgia
Gerald West. Adkins, Chair and Professor, Information Technology & Marketing (1987)
B.S., Academy of Kentucky; M.S., Florida Institute of Engineering science; Ph.D., Texas A & Yard University
Cynthia J. Alby, Professor of Secondary Pedagogy (2001)
H.A.B., Xavier University; K.A., University of Cincinnati; Ph.D., University of Georgia
Juan A. Alcarria Chiliad�mez, Assistant Professor of Modernistic Languages & Cultures (2000)
B.A., Academy of Valencia, Kingdom of spain; M.Ed., Georgia College & State Academy
Martha A. Allen, Associate Professor of Mathematics (2001)
B.S., Shorter Higher; M.S., Ph.D., University of South Carolina
Valerie Aranda, Assistant Professor of Art (2002)
B.F.A., Arizona State Academy; Thousand.F.A., University of California, San Diego
James J. Arias, Associate Professor of Economic science (1999)
B.Southward., Penn State University; Ph.D. Texas A&Thousand University
Kirk J. Armstrong, Banana Professor of Kinesiology and Coordinator for Able-bodied Preparation Programs (2008)
B.Due south., Academy of Indianapolis, M.S. Middle Tennessee State University, EDD, Ball State University
Elissa Auerbach, Temporary Limited Term Banana Professor of Art (2008)
B.S., Towson University, M.A., University of Kansas
Stephen D. Auerbach, Assistant Professor of History (2005)
B.A. , University of Michigan; Yard.A., University of Chicago; Ph.D., Louisiana State University
Myron Avila, Assistant Professor of Modern Languages & Cultures (2008)
ABD, University of California, Irvine
Gary Austin, Associate Professor of Library Science (2006)
B.A., Regents Higher, University of State of New York; M.L.I.S., University of Hawaii at Manoa
Dave Bachoon, Associate Professor of Biology (2001)
B.S., Memorial U. Newfoundland; Thousand.S., Florida International Academy; Ph.D. Academy of Georgia
Carol H. Bader, Assistant Dean, John H. Lounsbury College of Education, Professor of Literacy Didactics (2002)
B.A., Louisiana Tech University; M.A., Purdue University; Ed.S., Ph.D., Louisiana Country University
Anne Jones Bailey, Professor of History (1997)
B.A., Academy of Texas at Arlington; Thousand.A., Ph.D., Texas Christian University
Dean Bakery, Assistant Professor of Nursing ( 2002).
A.D.North., Macon State College, B.Due south.North., K.South.North., Georgia College & State University, Ph.D., University of Wisconsin Milwaukee
Andrei L. Barkovskii, Associate Professor of Biology (2001)
B.A., M.S., Saratov State University; Ph.D., USSR Council of Ministers
Everette H. Barman, Jr., Professor Emeritus of Biological and Ecology Sciences (1973)
B.S., Central State University; Yard.South., University of Arkansas; Ph.D., Cornell University
Sheree S. Barron, Professor of Psychology (1993)
B.Southward., Kennesaw State University; One thousand.Southward., Ph.D., Auburn Academy
Sebastian Bartos, Professor of History (2009)
B.A., Manhattanville; M.A., The Catholic University of America;G.A., City Academy of New York Graduate Heart
*Dan Bauer, Associate Professor of Center Grades Pedagogy and English (2003)
B.A., Simpson College; M.A., Southern Illinois University; Ph.D., New Mexico State University
*Dr. Bauer holds a dual engagement in the College of Education and the Department of English and Rhetoric; for all purposes related to departmental system and governance, Dr. Bauer is a member of the Higher of Education.
Nicholas Aston Beadles, Ii, Professor of Direction (1999)
B.A., Academy of Georgia; Grand.Div., Columbia Biblical Seminary, Ph.D., Academy of Alabama
Nancy R. Beasley, Assistant Professor of English (1989)
B.A., M.Ed., Georgia Higher & Country University
Warner Anthony Belanger, 3, Assistant Professor of Religion (2008)
B.A.University of Texas, Austin, M.A., Academy of Texas, Austin, Ph.D., Harvard Academy
Alicia Bembenek, Assistant Professor of Psychology (2006)
B.S., University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point; M.A., Ph.D., Academy of Arkansas
Karen Bendersky, Associate Professor of Psychology (2002)
B.A., George Mason University; M.S. Indiana State University; Ph.D. Purdue University
Donna Yanney Bennett, Assistant Professor of Library Science (1997)
B.A., Trinity Academy; 1000.South., University of Illinois-Urbana
Karen Bendersky, Banana Professor of Psychology (2002)
B.A., George Mason University: Ph.D., Purdue Academy
Karen Berman, Associate Professor and Chair of Theatre (2008)
B.A., George Washington University, Thousand.F.A., Cosmic University of America
Richard N. Bialac, Professor of Information Systems (1989)
B.B.A., M.B.A., Ph.D., Academy of Cincinnati
Christopher D. Black, Assistant Professor of Kinesiology (2008)
B.A., Hendrix Higher, M.A., University of Georgia, Ph.D. University of Georgia
Alex E. Blazer, Assistant Professor of English and Rhetoric (2008)
B.A., Denison University, Thousand.A., Ph.D., Ohio State University
Robert A. Blumenthal, Chair, Department of Mathematics and Professor of Mathematics (2009)
B.A., University of Rochester, Ph.D., Washington Academy
Jeffrey P. Blick, Professor of Anthropology (1998)
B.Due south., Virginia Commonwealth University; Chiliad.A., Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh
Eugene E. Bouley, Professor Emeritus of Criminal Justice (1995)
B.A., Providence College; Yard.A., Ph.D., Sam Houston State University
Louis Yard. Bourne, Associate Professor of Modern Languages & Cultures (2001)
B.A., Academy of Northward Carolina, Chapel Hill; 1000.A., Hollins College; Ph.D. New York University (Madrid)
Beauty Lee Bragg, Associate Professor of English (2003)
B.A., Academy of Southern California; K.A., Academy of Texas; Academy of Texas
Linda Golson Bradley, Assistant Professor of Literacy Education (2005)
B.South., Birmingham Southern Higher; M.A., University of Alabama; Ph.D., University of Alabama
Nancy Davis Bray, Acquaintance Director for Special Collections and Assistant Professor of Archives Administration (1996)
B.A., Georgia College & State Academy; M.P.A., University of Georgia
Cynthia Brinich-Langlois, Limited Term Assistant Professor of Art (2008)
B.A., Kenyon University, M.F.A., University of New United mexican states
James Ryan Chocolate-brown, Assistant Professor of Mathematics (2006)
B.S.Southward., Cornell College; M.A., Ph.D., University of Missouri-Columbia
Victoria Chocolate-brown, Lecturer in Sociology (2009)
B.A., Pane Manor College; Chiliad.A., University of Memphis
Elizabeth Melt Broyles, Director, Mildred English Curriculum Center and Banana Professor of Educational Engineering science (1997)
B.A., Stetson University; Yard.Ln., University of South Carolina
Scott Butler, Banana Professor of Health Education (2007)
Chiliad.South., Thou.P.H., Purdue Academy; M.S., Indiana University
Amy Sue Burt, Associate Professor of Rhetoric (1998)
B.S., University of Wisconsin; M.South., Southern Illinois University; Ph.D., Southern Illinois University
Scott Butler, Banana Professor of Kinesiology (2007)
1000.South., One thousand.P.H., Purdue University; M.S., Indiana University; Ph.D. Purdue University
O. Wayne Byram, Professor Emeritus of Sociology (1971)
B.S., M.A., Ph.D., Mississippi State Academy
Dwight Westward. Call, Assistant Vice President for International Education and Associate Professor of Anthropology (1997)
B.A., Oberlin Higher; M.Ed., Springfield College; Ph.D., Drew University
Craig Callender, Assistant Professor of English (2008)
B.A., Louisiana State University, M.A., Ph.D., University of Southward Carolina
Cynthia Cano, Assistant Professor of Marketing (2006)
B.S., Thousand.A., University of S Florida
Peter Michael Carriere, Professor of English (1997)
B.S.E., University of Nebraska—Omaha; M.A., University of Wisconsin—Eau Claire; Ph.D., University of Nebraska
Rebecca Carte, Assistant Professor of Spanish (2008)
B.A., Ohio State University, 1000.A., Northern Illinois University
Ruth J. Carter, Professor of Political Science (1990)
B.A., Chiliad.A., Knuckles University; Ph.D., University of South Carolina
Aurora Castillo, Assistant Professor of Spanish (2008)
One thousand.A., Western Virginia Academy
Rodica Cazacu, Assistant Professor of Mathematics (2007)
B.S., University of Bucharest, M.South., Ph.D., Louisiana State Academy
Dianne Chamblee Assistant Professor of Nursing (2005)
B.S.Northward., M.South.Due north., Georgia College & State University
Robert Chandler, Professor of Biological and Environmental Sciences (1996)
B.South., Southern Illinois University; G.S., San Diego State University; Ph.D., University of Kansas
Tsu-Ming Chiang, Professor of Psychology (1993)
B.S., Chung-Yuan Christian University; M.S., Ph.D., Academy of Wyoming
Amy Lynn Childre, Professor of Special Teaching (1999)
B.A., Valdosta State Academy; Yard.Ed., Academy of Georgia; Ph.D., Vanderbilt University
Marcela Chiorescu, Lecturer of Mathematics (2009)
B.Southward., Grand.S., A.I. Cuza Academy; M.S., Ph.D., Florida Atlantic University
Carol Christy, Associate Professor of Literacy Education (2006)
B.MUS., Capital Academy; G.A., Ohio State University; Ph.D., Ohio Land Academy
Pannarasee Kwan Christenson, Lecturer in Human Anatomy and Physiology (2008)
Ph.D.-K.D., Khon Kaen University, Thailand
Jer-Chin Chuang, Assistant Professor of Mathematics (2009)
B.Southward., Furman University, Ph.D., Rice University
Christopher Clark, Assistant Professor of Economic science (2005)
B.A. Eastern Kentucky University; Grand.A., Ph.D. University of Kentucky
Janet Clark, Associate Professor of Rhetoric (2002)
B.A. Florida Country University; M.A. San Jose State University; Ph.D. University of Washington
Roger Coate, Paul Coverdell Endowed Chair, Professor of Political Scientific discipline (2008)
B.A., Bowlin Dark-green Land University; M.A., Johns Hopkins University; Ph.D., Ohio Land Academy
Sallie P. Coke, Assistant Professor of Nursing (2006)
B.S.N. Georgia College & State University; M.S.N. Emory University
Caroline Collier, Lecturer of Data Systems (2000)
B.B.A., University of Rennes; MMIS, Georgia College & Country University
David Connolly, Temporary Limited Term Teacher of History (2008)
B.Due south., Presbyterian College, J.D., Mercer University, M.A., University of Georgia, Ph.D., Rice University
Martha M. Colvin, Professor of Nursing (1988)
B.S., K.S., University of Southern Mississippi; Ph.D., Academy of Mississippi
Carrie Schrage Melt, Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice (2009)
B.A., Academy of North Carolina-Greensboro; G.Southward., Valdosta Land University; Ph.D., University of Florida
Kimberly Cossey, Banana Professor of Chemistry (2008)
B.South., Oklahoma Baptist Academy, K.S., Ph.D., Pennsylvania Land Academy
Mariou Cowan, Temporary Limited Term Instructor of Management (2008)
B.A., Augusta College, One thousand.E.D., Academy of Southward Carolina
Kevin Crabb, Temporary Assistant Professor of Secondary Education (2008)
B.Due south., University of South Alabama, M.South. University of Southern Mississippi, Thou.Ed., Georgia College & State University, E.d.D., University of Georgia
Walter Bee Crews, Professor of Special Pedagogy (1990)
B.S., M.Due south., Florida State University; Ph.D., University of Florida
Angela Criscoe, Professor of Mass Communication (2008)
B.A., Georgia College & State University, 1000.East.D., Georgia College & State University
Lora Crowe, Assistant Professor of Nursing (2008)
B.S., Thou.S., Mississippi University for Women
Flor Culpa-Bondal, Assistant Professor of Nursing (2002)
B.Due south.N., Divine Word Higher, Philippines, M.South.North., Georgia College & State Academy, Ph.D., Texas Women's University
Susan Cumings, Coordinator of Women's Studies and Assistant Professor of English (2001)
B.A., M.A., Bryn-Mawr College; M.A., Academy of Glasgow; One thousand.A., Ph.D., Emory University
Beate Czogalla, Associate Professor of Theatre (2000)
B.A., M.A., Giessen University; M.F.A., Virginia Tech
Ajantha Dahanayake, Professor of Information Systems (2006)
B.Southward., University of Colombo, M.S., University of Leiden, Ph.D. Delft University
Kristina L. Dandy, Assistant Professor of Psychology (2009)
B.A., Christopher Newport Academy, M.Due south., Ph.D., Christian University
Martha H. Daugherty, Professor of Psychology (1985)
B.Southward., Eastern Illinois Academy; M.A.T., Academy of Iowa; Ed.D., University of Georgia
Victoria Deneroff, Assistant Professor of Center Grades Instruction (2008)
B.A., Chiliad.A., and Ph.D., University of California in LA
David de Posada, Associate Professor of Mod Languages & Cultures, Coordinator of the Castilian Program (2008)
Dipl�me d'Etudes Approfondies, Universite' de Reims Champagne-Ardenne, Thou.S., Florida International University, Ph.D., Florida State Academy
Melanie DeVore, Associate Professor of Biological science (1999)
B.S., University of Wisconsin; Ph.D., Ohio State University
Joe DeVitis, Associate Professor of Foundations & Secondary Education (2008)
B.A., Johns Hopkins University; Thousand.Ed., Johns Hopkins University; Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Michael F. Digby, Professor of Political Science and Public Administration (1976)
A.B., University of Georgia; K.A., Ph.D., University of Virginia
Lee Woodham Digiovanni, Assistant Professor of Early Babyhood Education (2005)
B.South., University of Georgia; M.Ed., West Georgia College; Ed.D., Georgia Southern University
Scott Dillard, Acquaintance Professor of Rhetoric (2001)
B.A. Blackburn Higher; M.Due south., Ph.D., Southern Illinois Academy
Donovan Fifty. Domingue, Acquaintance Professor of Physics (2002)
B.S., Louisiana State Academy; Ph.D., University of Alabama
David Doran, Limited Term Temporary Instructor of Geography (2008)
B.S., University of Massachusetts, M.A., Georgia State University
Sara Buck Doude, Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice (2006)
B.Due south., Center Tennessee State University; Chiliad.Southward., Ph.D. cand., Academy of Southern Mississippi
Robert J. Duesing, Banana Professor of Management (2009)
B.B.A., University of Cincinnati; M.South., University of Southern California; Ph.D., Oklahoma State University
Glenn C. Easterly, Instructor of Logistics and Director of GCSU Centers at Robins Air Force Base of operations (2000)
B.B.A., Memphis State Academy; Thou.S.A., Georgia College
Laurie A. Edler, Acquaintance Professor of Mathematics (2002)
B.A., Stanford Academy; Chiliad.S., Ph.D., University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Henry T. Edmondson III, Coordinator of Heart for Trans-Atlantic Studies and Professor of Political Scientific discipline and Public Administration (1988)
B.A., Augusta State University; M.P.A., Georgia Southern University; Ph.D., University of Georgia
Marianne Edwards, Assistant Professor of Foundations and Secondary Education (1988)
A.B., 1000.Ed., Ph.D., University of Georgia
Steven Elliott-Gower, Director, Honors and Scholars Program, Associate Professor of Political Science (2008)
B.A., University of Lancaster, M.A., Ph.D. University of Georgia
Larry Elowitz, Carl Vinson Professor Emeritus of Political Science & Public Administration (1972)
B.Ed., 1000.A., University of Miami; Ph.D., Academy of Florida
Charles C. Fahrer, Assistant Professor of Geography (2004)
B.A., N Carolina State University; M.A., Appalachian State University; Ph.D., University of Due south Carolina
Elizabeth Fair, Lecturer of Direction (2008)
B.Due south., Auburn University, M.B.A., University of Kentucky, Ph.D., Academy of Kentucky
John Off-white, Professor of History (1997)
B.A., Juniata College; Chiliad.A., Wake Forest University; Ph.D., Duke Academy
William Ken Farr, Chair, Department of Economics and Finance, Professor of Economics (1985)
A.A., Gordon College; B.S.A., University of Georgia; Chiliad.B.A., Georgia College & State University; Ph.D., University of Georgia
Roxanne C. Farrar, Associate Professor of Art History and Interdisciplinary Studies (1998)
B.A., Chiliad.A., Ph.D., Florida State University
Ronald Fietkau, Professor of Chemical science (1994)
B.Sc., Simon Fraser Academy; Ph.D., Kansas State University
Gerald P. Fisher, MSCJ Coordinator and Associate Professor of Criminal Justice (2003)
B.A., California State University-Northridge, K.S., California Country University-Sacremento, D.P.A., University of Alabama
William Fisher, Assistant Professor of Art (2002)
B.A., The College of William and Mary; M.F.A. , Ohio Academy
Jennifer Flory, Director of Choral Activities and Assistant Professor of Music (2005)
B.A., B.M.E., Otterbein College; M.M., D.G.A., University of Cincinnati
Kenneth W. Flowers, Lecturer of Mathematics (2004)
B.Due south., Kennesaw Land Academy, K.Southward., Clemson Academy
Jerry W. Fly, Professor Emeritus of Sociology (1980)
B.A., Thou.A., Mississippi State Academy; Ph.D., University of Kentucky
Jo Ann Flynn, Associate Professor of Management (1998)
B.South., Auburn University; M.A., Auburn Academy; Ph.D., Purdue University.
Olufunke Fontenot, Professor of Criminal Justice and Associate Dean, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (2002)
LL.B., University of Ife, B.L., Nigerian Police School, M.LITT., Cambridge University, LL.M., Yale Law School
Ren�e J. Fontenot, Associate Professor of Marketing (2005)
B.Due south., University of Montana; M.B.A., Gonzaga University; Ph.D., New Mexico Country University
Ralph H. France Iii, Acquaintance Professor of Physics (2002)
B.S., Johns Hopkins; Thou.Due south., Yale Academy; Ph.D., Yale University
Yen Kang France, Assistant Professor of Biological science (2008)
B.A., Queens Higher Cuny, MPHIL, Ph.D. Yale University
Hedwig Fraunhofer, Professor of Modernistic Languages & Cultures (1997)
Staatsexamen, Universit�t Regensburg, Frg; One thousand.A., Ph.D., University of Oregon
Barbara L. Funke, Professor of Kinesiology and Coordinator for Community Health & Human being Services (1991)
B.A., K.Southward., East Stroudsburg University; Ph.D., Pennsylvania Land University
Sandra Gangstead, Dean, College of Wellness Sciences and Professor of Kinesiology (2006)
B.S., University of Wisconsin-La Crosse; G.S., Academy of Wyoming; Ph.D., University of Utah
Allen R. Gee, Associate Professor of English (2004)
B.A., Academy of New Hampshire; M.F.A. University of Iowa; Ph.D., University of Houston
Bella Karr Gerlich, Associate University Librarian and Associate Professor of Library Science (2006)
B.F.A., Virginia Commonwealth University; Thou.P.Thou., Carnegie Mellon Academy
Marshall Bruce Gentry, Professor of English (2003)
B.A., University of Arkansas; M.A., University of Chicago; Ph.D., University of Texas
Lee Gillis, Chair, Department of Psychological Science, Professor of Psychology (1986)
A.B., Davidson College; M.A., Middle Tennessee Country University; Ph.D., Academy of Georgia
Michael Fifty. Gleason, Associate Professor of Biology (1999)
B.S., Pittsburgh State Academy; Ph.D., Oklahoma Land Academy
Pamela J. Glover, Assistant Vice President for Facility Services and Plant Operations and Instructor in Accounting (1984)
B.B.A., M.B.A., Georgia College & State University; C.P.A.
Gail Godwin, Limited Term Assistant Professor of Nursing (2007)
B.S.N., University of Southern Mississippi, Grand.S.Due north., Regis Academy
Sandra Godwin, Associate Professor of Sociology (2002)
B.A., University of Due west Florida, Thousand.A., Boston Higher, Ph.D., N Carolina State University
Beverly Tanya Goette, Faculty Coordinator of Graduate Programs, J. Whitney Bunting College of Business and Associate Professor of Information Systems (1996)
B.B.A., Georgia College & Land University; M.B.A., Mercer Academy; Ph.D., Georgia State University
Douglas A. Goings, Professor, Department of It and Marketing (2000)
B.A., Southeastern University; G.Ed, Louisiana State University; Ph.D., Michigan State
Emily Thou�mez, Assistant Professor of Art (2006)
B.A., Loyola University Chicago; M.F.A., University of Georgia
J. W. Good, Professor of Educational Leadership (2001)
B.A., Bridgewater Higher; M.A. in Ed., James Madison University; Ed.D., Academy of Virginia
Richard Carle Greene, Professor of Music (1997)
B.1000., Loyola University, New Orleans; M.F.A., Tulane University; Ph.D., University of Leeds, Uk
Chris Greer, Assistant Professor of Educational Engineering science, (2005)
B.Southward., Indiana University, Bloomington; K.S., University of Memphis; Ph.D., University of Tennessee
Diane Gregg, Assistant Professor of Library Media/Educational Technology (2007)
B.S., Southeast Missouri State Academy; G.A, Southeast Missouri Land University; Ed.D., University of Missouri-St. Louis
Debbie Grier, Assistant Professor of Nursing (2005)
B.S.Northward., M.Due south.N., Georgia College & Land Academy
Lisa Thou. Griffin, Assistant Professor of Kinesiology and Coordinator for Concrete Educational activity (2008)
B.S., Grand.S., Due east.D.D., West Virginia Academy
Eric Griffis, Assistant Professor of Theatre (2008)
B.A., Southern Arkansas Academy, Thousand.F.A., University of Southern Mississippi
Jennifer Wells Hammack, Acquaintance Professor of Political Scientific discipline and Public Assistants (2001)
B.A, M.A., J.D., Academy of Alabama
Sandra Hancock-McMillan, Assistant Professor of Early Childhood Education (2009)
B.A., University of Florida; Yard.Ed. University of Florida; A.B.D., University of Florida
Robin O. Harris, Associate Professor of Folklore (2001)
B.A., M.A., Georgia Higher; Ph.D., Georgia Constitute of Technology
Carlos Thousand. Herrera, Assistant Professor of Art (2005)
B.A., San Diego State Academy, San Diego, CA; Chiliad.F.A., California State Academy, Fullerton, CA; Museum Studies Certificate, California Land University, Fullerton, CA
Robin Harris, Associate Professor of Historical Sociology (2001)
B.A., M.A., Georgia Higher & Land University; Ph.D., Georgia Constitute of Engineering science
J. J. Hayden, III, Assistant Professor of Educational Applied science (2003)
B.S., University of Southern Mississippi; M.S., Ph.D., Georgia Land University
Christopher Hendley, Associate Professor of Music (1991)
B.S., Auburn University; M.M.Eastward.D., Ph.D., Academy of Georgia
Edward Loma Jr., Assistant Professor of Educational Leadership (2009)
B.A., Morehouse College; M.Ed., Columbia College; Ed.D., South Carolina State University
Jerry E. Herbel, Jr., MPA Coordinator and Assistant Professor of Political Science and Public Assistants (2005)
B.S., Emporia State Academy; M.P.A., Ph.D., University of Oklahoma
Jane Hinson, Chair and Professor, Foundations and Secondary Pedagogy (1999)
A.B., University of North Carolina-Chapel Loma; M.Ed., Ed.D., University of North Carolina-Greensboro
Jude E. Hirsch, Chair, Department of Kinesiology and Professor of Kinesiology (1996)
B.Due south., Acadia Academy; One thousand.Ed., Dalhousie University; Ed.D., University of British Columbia
Will Hobbs, Assistant Professor of Kinesiology (2008)
B.Southward., K.S., Western Kentucky University
Patrick Holbrook, Assistant Professor of Art (2002)
B.A., Hampshire Higher; G.F.A., University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Maureen Horgan, Associate Professor of Music (2002)
B.M.E., New England Solarium; Thousand.M., Yale University; D.M.A., State University of New York/Stony Brook
Marker A. Huddle, Assistant Professor of African American History (2009)
B.A., Ohio Wesleyan University; Yard.A., Western Carolina University; Ph.D., University of Georgia
Jason P. Huffman, Associate Professor of Mathematics, Acting Assistant Dean for the College of Arts and Sciences (2002)
B.A., Hiram College; Grand.South., Ph.D., University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Sarah H. Humphries, Acquaintance Professor of Information Systems (1999)
B.A., University of Georgia; M.S., University of Georgia; Ph.D., University of Georgia
Kinesthesia I-M
Donna Ingram, Assistant Professor of Nursing (2002)
B.S.Due north., 1000.S.N., Georgia College & State University
Linda Irwin-DeVitis, Dean, John H. Lounsbury Higher of Education, Professor of Early Childhood Education (2003)
B.S., University of Tennessee; M.Ed., University of New Orleans; Ed.D., Academy of Tennessee
Walter L. Isaac, Associate Professor of Psychology (1998)
B.S., Academy of Georgia; Thou.A., Ph.D., University of Kentucky
Reginald Jackson, Temporary Limited Term Instructor of Biology (2008)
B.South., K.S., Georgia Higher & State University
Amanda Jarriel, Lecturer in Kinesiology and Clinical Coordinator for Athletic Training (2007)
B.S., M.Ed., Georgia College & State University
Gregory J. Jarvie, Professor of Psychology (1982)
B.A., Thou.S., University of Central Florida; Ph.D., University of Georgia
Judy Johnson, Temporary Limited Term Instructor of Business Law (2008)
B.S., University of Maryland, J.D., George Stonemason University School of Police force
Marjorie S. Johnson, Banana Professor of Nursing (1990)-Emeritus
B.Due south.N., Georgia College & State Academy; M.Southward.North., Emory University
Jena Jolissaint, Temporary Limited Term Instructor of Interdisciplinary Studies (2008)
B.A., Ogelthorpe University, M.A., Academy of Oregon, Ph.D., University of Oregon
Martha Jones, Lecturer in Secondary Education (2002)
B.A., M.Ed., Mercer Academy; Ed.South., Ed.D., University of Georgia
Paul Jones, Vice President and Chief of Staff (2002)
B.S., Thou.S.S., Utah State University; Ph.D., Colorado State University
Sharon 50. Jones, Director for Testing & Associate Professor of Academic Help (1991)
A.B., Academy of N Carolina at Chapel Hill; M.Ed., University of Due north Carolina at Charlotte
Samuel J. Julian, Assistant Professor of Interdisciplinary Studies (2009)
B.A., Thousand.A., Miami Academy; Ph.D., University of Memphis
Lucy Kachmarik, Banana Professor of Early on Childhood Didactics (2007)
B.Due south.Ed., Slippery Rock University; Thou.Ed., Slippery Rock University; Ed.S., College of William & Mary; Ph.D., University of Tennessee-Knoxville
Rui Kang, Assistant Professor of Foundations and Secondary Education (2007)
B.A., Beijing Language & Culture University; Thou.Ed., Texas A&Thou University; M.S., Texas A&1000 Academy; Ph.D., Texas A&M University
Danielius Kaplunas, Temporary Limited Term Assistant Professor of Fine art (2008)
B.1000., University of N Texas, 1000.M., Academy of Northward Texas, D.M.A., Academy of Georgia
Donna Kauffman, Assistant Professor of Nursing (2007)
B.S.N., Georgia State University, M.S.N., Georgia College & State University, M.S.N., Emory University
Douglas R. Keith, Associate Professor of Music Therapy (2003)
B.Mus., Academy of Georgia, M.One thousand.T., Ph.D., Temple University
Amy F. Kelley, Acquaintance Professor of Mathematics (2004)
B.A., Manhattanville College, Thou.A., Boston College, Ph.D. University at Albany, Country Academy of New York
Brandy Kennedy, Banana Professor of Political Science and Public Administration (2008)
B.A., Thou.S., Georgia College & State University, Yard.A. Ph.D., University of Oklahoma
Agnes Kim, Banana Professor of Physics (2008)
B.Southward., M.Southward., Iowa State Academy, Ph.D., Academy of Texas
Teresa Rex, Acquaintance Professor of Accounting (1987)
BBA., Valdosta State University, Ph.D, Georgia Land University
Cheryl P. Kish, Professor of Nursing, Emeritus (1987)
B.Due south.N., Medical College of Georgia; Chiliad.South.N., Georgia State University; Ed.D., University of Georgia
Joshua Kitchens, Assistant Professor of Library Scientific discipline (2008)
B.A., Georgia College & Country University, M.A., George Mason University
Mary D. Kitchens, Acquisitions Librarian and Assistant Professor of Library Science (1998)
B.South.H.E., University of Georgia; M.Fifty.I.Southward., University of South Carolina
Patricia Klein, Professor of Eye Grades Didactics (2001)
B.S., Athens Land College; Yard.A., University of Alabama; Ph.D., Georgia State University
Karynne Kleine, Assistant Professor of Centre Grades Education (1997)
B.S., San Diego State University; Chiliad.A., Ed.D., Academy of Maine
Bradley A. Koch, Banana Professor of Folklore (2009)
B.S., Belmont University, Thousand.A., Ph.D., Indiana University
Martin Dean Lammon, Fuller Eastward. Callaway Endowed Flannery O'Connor Chair, Professor of English (1997)
B.A., Wittenberg University; M.A., Ph.D., Ohio University
Mary Jean Land, Chair, Department of Mass Communication, Professor of Mass Communication (1983)
B.A., Tift College; Grand.A., University of Georgia
Sang-Wook Lee, Assistant Professor of Art (2004)
B.F.A., Thousand.F.A., Dong-A Academy; Chiliad.F.A., University of Georgia, Athens
James E. Lidstone, Professor of Kinesiology and Manager, Center for Health and Social Issues (1996)
B.A., B.PHE., Queen's Academy (Canada); M.S., Ed.D., University of N Carolina-Greensboro
John F. Lindsay, Jr., Professor of Psychology (1982)
A.B., Western Kentucky Country College; M.Southward., Georgia Higher & State University; Ph.D., University of Georgia
Amanda 50. Lineberger, Assistant Professor of Educational Leadership (2009)
B.S., University of Tennessee, Knoxville; Yard.Ed., Texas Woman's University; Ed.D., University of Georgia
Juan Ling, Assistant Professor of Management (2008)
B.B.A., Wuhan University of Science and Technology, Thou.South., Chinese Academy of Social Sciences - Guangdong, Ph.D., University of Kentucky
Leng Ling, Assistant Professor of Finance (2008)
B.B.A., Wu han University, M.B.A., Ph.D., Georgia State University
Catrena H. Lisse, Acquaintance Professor of Chemistry (2002)
B.S., Georgia Southern University; Ph.D., Georgia Found of Technology
Sidney Littlefield, Temporary Limited Term Assistant Professor of Philosophy (2008)
B.A., Academy of W Georgia, A.B.D., University of South Carolina
Yi Liu, Acquaintance Professor of Informatics (2003)
B.S., The National Academy of Defense Technology; M.Southward., Beijing Polytechnic University; Ph.D., Florida Atlantic University
Alice B. Loper, Assistant Professor of Nursing, Director of Student Health Services (1991)
B.South., Lenoir-Rhyne Higher; M.S., Emory University
Christopher M. Lowery, Professor of Management (1992)
B.S., Georgia Tech; Ph.D., Academy of Alabama
Frank A. Lowney, Director of Electronic Education Services and Professor of Foundations & Secondary Education (1985)
A.A., Miami-Dade Inferior College; B.S., M.Ed., Ph.D., Florida State University
Yoshie S. Lord, Assistant Professor of Accounting (2007)
B.A. Nihon University; Thou.B.A., Georgia College & State Academy; M.Acc, Thou.Southward., University of Georgia; Ph.D., Temple Academy
Randall Lyles, Lecturer in Nursing (2001)
B.B.A., B.S.Due north., M.S.North., Georgia Higher & Land Academy
Jan E. Mabie, Chair, Department of Regime & Sociology, Professor of Political Science & Public Administration (1973)
A.B., University of Rochester; K.A., Ph.D., Washington University
Kalina 1000. Manoylov, Assistant Professor of Biology (2007)
Grand.S., Sofia University: Ph.D., Michigan State University
Anisio Martins dos Santos, Teacher of Modern Foreign Languages and Cultures (2008)
Master's, Urban Planning Spanish/High german, Paderborn U., Federal republic of germany
Mary Magoulick, Acquaintance Professor of English and Interdisciplinary Studies (2001)
B.A., University of Michigan; M.A., University of Virginia; Ph.D., Indiana University
Judith M. Malachowski, Managing director, Schoolhouse of Nursing, Acquaintance Professor of Nursing (2007)
B.South.N., Duquesne University; M.S.Northward., Thou.P.A., West Virginia Academy; Ph.D., University of Virginia
Lana Adelaide McDowell, Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice (2008)
B.S., Thousand.A., East Tennessee Country Academy
Karen Sawyer McElmurray, Associate Professor of English (2003)
B.A. English, Berea College; M.A., Hollins University; G.F.A., Academy of Virginia; Ph.D., University of Georgia
William McMichael, Temporary Limited Term Teacher of English (2008)
B.A., University of Georgia, M.A., Academy of Missouri at Columbia
Sunita Manian, Coordinator of Interdisciplinary Studies and Acquaintance Professor of Political Economic system (2002)
B.Sc., St. Xavier's Higher, Calcutta, India; Thou.A., Ph.D. Tulane Academy
Bryan Marshall, Assistant Professor of Information Systems (2006)
B.Southward. Southern Utah University, Thou.S., Ph.d. Utah State University
Charles E. Martin, Director, Center for Program Evaluation and Assessment; Professor of Early Childhood and Centre Grades Pedagogy (1996)
B.A., Thousand.Ed., University of New Orleans; Ph.D., University of Georgia
Kathleen J. Martin, Lecturer in Political Science (1997)
B.S., University of Georgia, B.S., One thousand.P.A., Georgia Higher & State Academy
Michael A. Martino, Associate Professor of Kinesiology and Coordinator for Exercise Science (1997)
B.A., Furman University; Chiliad.A., Ph.D., University of Alabama
Chrispen Matsika, Assistant Professor of Secondary Instruction (2005)
Advanced Diploma, Academy of Hull, UK; M.Ed., University of Bath, U.One thousand.; M.Ed., Montclair Country Academy; Ed.D., Academy of Massachusetts, Amherst
Stephanie One thousand. McClure, Assistant Professor of Folklore (2005)
B.Southward., University of Missouri-Columbia; M.A., Ph.D., Academy of Georgia
William F. McDaniel, Professor of Psychology (1977)
B.South., Duke University; Thousand.A., Appalachian State Academy; Ph.D., Academy of Georgia
Lana A. McDowell, Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice (2008)
B.Due south., Eastward Tennessee Country University, M.A., Ph.D. cand., University of Southern Mississippi
Kenneth C. McGill, Chair, Section of Chemistry, Physics, and Astronomy, Professor of Chemistry (1992)
B.Due south., Washburn Academy; Ph.D., University of Florida
Macon McGinley, Assistant Professor Mass Communication (2004)
B.S. Advice and Information Applied science, Macon Land College; M.M.C. Journalism and Telecommunication, University of Georgia
Deborah MacMillan. Assistant Professor of Nursing (2004)
A.D.N. Macon Country College; B.S.N. Georgia College & State University; M.S.N. Emory University
Rebecca McMullen, Assistant Professor of Special Pedagogy (2001)
B.S., Mercer University; One thousand.Ed., Augusta State University; Ph.D., Georgia State University
Alfred J. Mead, Acquaintance Professor of Biology and Geology (1999)
B.S.F.R., University of Georgia; One thousand.Southward., Georgia College & Country University; Ph.D., University of Nebraska
Cara Meade, Banana Professor of Special Pedagogy (2002)
B.S., M.Ed., Georgia College & Country University
Megan Melan�on, Acquaintance Professor of English (2001)
B.S., M.A., Ph.D., Louisiana Country University; 1000.A., University of Kansas
Chesley S. Mercado, Associate Professor of Music Therapy (2000)
B.M.T., Shenandoah Conservatory, One thousand.S., Radford University, Ed.D., Nova Southeastern University
Julia Metzker, Associate Professor of Chemistry (2004)
B.Southward./B.A., The Evergreen State Higher; Ph.D., Academy of Arizona
Ginger Carter-Miller, Professor of Mass Advice (1996)
B.A., Georgia Country University; M.A., Auburn Academy; Ph.D., Academy of Southern Mississippi
William J. Miller, Assistant Professor of Management (2006)
B.A., SUNY at Buffalo, M.Southward., Georgia Country Academy; Ph.D., Georgia State Academy
Chavonda Mills, Assistant Professor of Chemistry (2006)
B.S., Spelman Higher; B.S., Georgia Found of Technology; Ph.D., Florida A&M University
Ella One thousand. Milner, Assistant Professor of Nursing (1993)
B.S.N., Georgia College & State University; K.S.N., Georgia State University
Nancy B. Mizelle, Chair, Department of Early Babyhood and Middle Grades Teaching; Professor of Middle Grades Educational activity (1999)
B.A., Meredith Higher; M.Ed., Clemson University; Ed.D., University of Georgia
Leslie C. Moore, Banana Professor of Nursing (2007)
B.B.A., B.S.N., M.B.A.,M.S.N., Georgia College & State University
Tom Clifford Moore, Professor of Bookkeeping and Business organisation Constabulary (1987)
B.B.A., State University of Due west Georgia; One thousand.B.A., Ph.D., University of Georgia; J.D., Mercer University
Fadhili Mshana, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Fine art History (2002)
Teacher Certificate, Korogwe Teachers College, Tanzania; B.A., University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania; Thousand.A., University of Eastward Anglia, Uk; Ph.D., Binghamton University, New York
Wendy R. Mullen, Professor of Music (1999)
B.M., Yard.Yard., University of Tennessee; D.G.A., Arizona Land Academy
Brian Mumma, Associate Professor of Secondary Educational activity (2001)
B.S., State Academy of New York- College of Buy; Thousand.Ed., Northern Illinois University; Ph.D., Georgia Country University
Michael Murphy, Banana Profess of Art (2008)
B.F.A., Kent State University, M.F.A., Art Institute of Chicago
David East. Muschell, Professor of English (1990)
B.A., Chiliad.Ed., Academy of Georgia; Thousand.F.A., Goddard College
Lyndall H. Muschell, Associate Professor of Early Childhood Education (1986)
B.Due south., M.Ed., Ed.S., Georgia College; Ed.D., Georgia Southern University
Sam Mutitia, Assistant Professor in Geology (2009)
B.South., M.S., Ph.D.
Faculty N-S
Lakshmi S. Narain, Professor of Finance (1988)
B.South., Madras University; 1000.S., People'due south Friendship University; M.B.A., Ph.D., Academy of Texas at Arlington
Laura Newbern, Banana Professor of English language (2005)
B.A,Columbia Academy, M.A, New York University, Yard.F.A, Warren Wilson Higher
D. Michael Nifong, Assistant Professor of English (1985)
B.A., One thousand.A., University of Tennessee
Roger A. No�l, Professor of Modernistic Languages & Cultures (1992)
Licence, Universit� de Li�ge (Belgium); Chiliad.A., Academy of Missouri; Ph.D., Washington University
Douglas R. Oetter, Assistant Professor of Geography (2002)
B.A., University of Washing; One thousand.A. University of Georgia; Ph.D. Oregon Country University
Douglas O'Grady, Assistant Professor of Music in Theory and Composition (2004)
B.M., University of Massachusetts (Dartmouth); M.M, Academy of Louisiana (Lafayette); D.One thousand.A, University of Alabama
Carol A. Ormond, Banana Professor of Nursing, Emeritus (1989)
A.A.South., Niagara County Community Higher; B.S.N., M.South.N., State Academy of New York-Buffalo
Sudeshna Pal, Banana Professor of Economics (2008)
B.Due south. University of Calcutta, M.A., Ph.D. Westward Virginia University
Eustace Palmer, Professor of English (1994)
M.A., Ph.D., University of Edinburgh
Michael J. Pangia, Professor of Physics (1998)
B.East., The Cooper Wedlock; Thousand.Southward., Michigan Country University; Ph.D., University of Washington, Seattle
Immature K. Park, Banana Professor of Accounting (2007)
B.B.A., Korea University; Chiliad.B.A., University of Iowa; Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh
Dennis C. Parmley, Professor of Biological science (1989)
B.South., Cameron University; M.S., Midwestern State University; Ph.D., Michigan State University
Emily Parrish, Lecturer in Biology (2006)
B.MEd., Georgia College & Land University; Grand.A., University of Missouri-Kansas Urban center; M.S., Georgia College & State University
David Patterson, Instructor of Biology (2009)
B.S., M.S., Georgia College & Land Academy
Amelia Pelton, Lecturer and Coordinator of Dance (2008)
B.F.A., Academy of Southern Mississippi, M.F.A., Florida Country University
Craig Pascoe, Associate Professor of History (2001)
B.A., Mississippi College; Thou.A., University of N Carolina; Ph.D., Academy of Tennessee
Marcia Peck, Assistant Professor of Secondary Education (2008)
B.A. Thousand.A. Ph.D. Academy of Utah
Iona Pendergast, Temporary Limited Term Instructor of Theatre (2008)
B.A., Chiliad.P.A., Georgia Higher & Land Academy
Gregory G. Pepetone, Professor of Music (1991)
Mus.B., Oberlin College; M.A., Mus.D., Academy of Iowa
Amy Pinney, Assistant Professor of Theatre (2008)
B.A., M.A., Academy of Missouri, Ph.D., Southern Illinois Academy
Amit Poddar, Banana Professor of Marketing (2005)
B.A., University of Delhi, Yard.B.A., Establish of Rural Management, Ph.D., Georgia State University
Douglas G. Pohl, Professor of Chemistry (1976)
B.A., Johns Hopkins University; Ph.D., Pennsylvania Land Academy
Caitlin A.J. Powell, Assistant Professor of Psychology (2009)
B.S., Drake University; Thou.Due south., Academy of Kentucky; Ph.D., University of Kentucky
Joanne L. Previts, Assistant Professor of Centre Grades Teaching (2009)
B.A., Notre Dame College; M.Ed., Cleveland State University; A.B.D., Kent State Academy
Stephen Cost, Banana Professor of Mass Communication (2008)
B.A., University of Missouri-Columbia, G.A., San Francisco Country Academy
Kenneth J. Proctor, Dean, Higher of Liberal Arts and Sciences and Professor of Art (2008)
Thou.F.A., University of N Carolina
Ahmad Reed, Temporary Limited Term Assistant Professor of History (2008)
B.A., G.A., University of West Indies, Ph.D., University of Hull England
Harold West. Reed, Professor Emeritus of Biology (1987)
B.South., Clarion State College; Thou.Due south., Ph.D., Ohio Academy
Cheryl Reynolds, Professor of Educational Leadership (2001)
B.Southward., Grand.Ed., Ed.S., Ed.D., Georgia Southern University
Jason Rich, Assistant Professor of Political Science (2009)
B.A., Lenoir-Rhyne College, M.A., University of Connecticut
Rosalie Richards, Kaolin Endowed Chair in Science and Professor of Chemical science (2001)
B.Due south., University of the Virgin Islands, Ph.D., University of Southern California
William A. Richards, Collection Development Librarian and Professor of Library Science (1995)
B.A., M.A., Georgia State University; Thou.Ln., Emory University; C.A., Academy of Certified Archivists
Michael Riley, Acquaintance Professor of English (2003)
B.A., Oglethorpe Academy; M.A., Ph.D., Emory Academy
Holley Roberts, Teacher of Early on Childhood Education (2005)
B.South., 1000.Ed., Georgia College & State University
Lori B. Robinson, Teacher of Biology (2009)
B.Southward., M.S., Georgia College & Country Academy
Vicky Robinson, Lecturer in Music Therapy (2006)
B.Due south., B.Chiliad., Eastern New Mexico University; M.S., Radford Academy
Marlene Romero, Lecturer of Spanish (2008)
B.A., University of Queretaro, One thousand.A., Western Michigan University
Jason Rich, Assistant Professor of Political Science (2009)
B.A., Lenoir-Rhyne College, Yard.A., Ph.D. cand., University of Connecticut
William J. Risch, Assistant Professor of History (2005)
B.A., Hiram Higher; M.A., Ph.D., The Ohio Country University
Barbara Roquemore, Assistant Professor of Educational Leadership (2006)
B.A., Tift College; M.Ed., Georgia Country Academy; Ed.D., Academy of Georgia
Michael P. Rose, Professor of Psychology (1996)
B.S., Franklin Academy; Thou.S., Ph.D., Auburn University
Kendra Russell, Assistant Director, School of Nursing, Assistant Professor of Nursing (2000)
B.South.Northward., 1000.S.N, Georgia College & State Academy; Ph.D., Georgia State University
Charles Ryan, Associate Professor of Direction (2001)
B.S., Oklahoma State University; One thousand.B.A., University of Fundamental Oklahoma; M., Ph.D., Georgia Country University
Kenneth S. Saladin, Professor of Biology (1977)
B.S., Michigan State University; Ph.D., Florida State University
Doreen East. Sams, Assistant Professor of Marketing (2005)
B.S., M.B.A., Ph.D., Academy of Southward Florida, Tampa
Hugh A. Sanders, Professor Emeritus of Mathematics (1976)
B.S., 1000.Southward., Georgia Found of Technology; Ph.D., Georgia Land Academy
Doris Santaronest, Lecturer of Mathematics (2008)
B.Due south.E.D., M.Eastward.D., University of Georgia
Santos, Anisio Martins dos, Lecturer of Modern Languages & Cultures (2004)
B.A., M.A. Universit�t Gesamthochschule Paderborn-Germany
Carol Sapp, Associate Professor of Nursing (2003)
B.S.Due north, Georgia Higher, Grand.Southward.Northward., Georgia College & State University, Ph.D., Georgia State University
Peter Selgin (2009)
B.A., Western Connecticut State Academy, M.F.A., New School University
Benjamin Scafidi, Associate Professor of Economic science (2005)
B.A., University of Notre Dame; Ph.D., University of Virginia
Margaret P. Schaller, Banana Professor of French (2009)
D.E.U.K, Universit� de Rouen (1973), B.A., Stockton Land College (1974) ; One thousand.A., Florida Atlantic University (2003); Ph.D. i(2008)
Joseph Schwartz, Banana Professor of Marketing (2005)
B.Due south., University of Georgia; Yard.Due south., Ph.D., Georgia Institute of Technology
Stacy L. Schwartz, Associate Professor of Early Childhood Education (2003)
B.S., M.Ed., Ph.D., University of Georgia
Patricia R. Seay, Professor of Educational Leadership (1989)
B.Due south., Chiliad.Ed., Valdosta State Academy; Ed.D., Southward Carolina Land Academy
Jeanne A. Sewell, Assistant Professor of Nursing (1991)
B.S.Northward., Medical College of Georgia; K.S.N., University of Maryland
Janet One thousand. Shiver, Banana Professor of Mathematics Education (2003)
B.S., 1000.Ed., Auburn University
L. Todd Shiver, Professor of Music (1990)
B.M., M.M. Ed, Auburn University; One thousand.Ed. Georgia College & Country University; D.Grand.A., University of Georgia
John Sirmans, Temporary Limited Term Instructor of English (2008)
B.A., One thousand.A., M.F.A., Georgia College & State University
Christopher E. Skelton, Assistant Professor of Biology (2002)
B.S., Augusta State University; Yard.South., Ph.D.,University of Tennessee
Craig D. Smith, Chair, Section of Special Education & Educational Leadership, Professor of Special Education (1986)
B.A., Elmhurst College; M.Ed., Ph.D., University of Florida
Elizabeth Speelman, Lecturer in Outdoor Education (2009)
B.Due south. Guelph University; M.Ed. Georgia College & State Academy
Susan Steele, Assistant Professor of Nursing (2007)
B.S., Albright College; M.S.North., Ph.D., University of South Florida
Stephen G. Stewart, Associate Professor of Early on Childhood and Middle Grades Education (1988)
B.Southward., Yard.Ed., Georgia College & State University
Jason H. Stover, Acquaintance Professor of Mathematics (2004)
B.S., California State University, M.S., California State University, Ph.D., Purdue Academy
Amy Sumpter, Temporary Limited Term Instructor of Geography (2008)
B.A., Academy of Kansas, M.A., University of Colorado, Ph.D., Louisiana State University
John R. Swinton, Assistant Professor of Economics (2002)
B.A., Oberlin College; M.S., Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison
Faculty T-Z
David Thibodeau, Assistant Professor of Library Scientific discipline (2008)
B.A., Boston College, 1000.50.I.S., Simmons Higher
Liz Thompson, Temporary Instructor of Early Childhood and Heart Grades Education (2007)
A.S., Andrew College; B.A., W Georgia Higher; M.A., W Georgia Higher
Muge Tiryakioglu, Banana Professor of Finance (2003)
B.A., Bogazici University; Ph.D., Purdue University
Patti Grand. Tolbert, Professor of Music (1997)
B.M., Berry College; M.M.Ed., Georgia Southern University; D.One thousand.A., Academy of Georgia
Thomas W. Toney, Professor of Biology (1991)
B.S., Virginia Polytechnic Institute; M.S., Virginia Commonwealth Academy; Ph.D., University of Illinois
Craig Grand. Turner, Professor of Mathematics (1993)
B.S., Alma College; Grand.S., Ph.D., Clemson University
Jeffrey S. Turner, Assistant Professor of Kinesiology and Coordinator of Outdoor Education (2002)
A.B., University of Missouri-Columbia; Yard.Ed., Georgia College & State University; Ph.D., University of Georgia
Charles Ubah, Associate Professor of Criminal Justice (2002)
B.Southward., M.A., Lincoln University, Ph.D., Southern Illinois University
Marking Vail, Assistant Professor of Rhetoric (2008)
B.Southward., Brawl State University, One thousand.A., Bowling Green Land University, One thousand.A., Eastern Illinois Academy, Ph.D., The University of Memphis
Deborah Vess, Professor of History (1997)
B.A., Indiana Academy; B.MUS., Pennsylvania Country University; M.A., University of Pittsburgh; Ph.D., University of Northward Texas
Robert O. Viau, Professor of English (1980)
B.A., Colorado State University; M.A., Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University
Douglas M. Walker, Associate Professor of Economics (1998)
B.S., Kansas State Academy; Ph.D., Auburn University.
William P. Wall, Chair, Department of Biological & Environmental Sciences, and Professor of Biology (1981)
B.A., G.S., Academy of Bridgeport; Ph.D., Academy of Massachusetts
Bruno Wambi, Temporary Limited Term Banana Professor of French(2008)
B.A., Thousand.A., University of Marien NGouabi, Ph.D., University of Missouri
Huayu Henry Wang, Assistant Professor of Philosophy (2008)
B.A., Fudan Academy, M.B.A., Western Carolina, Ph.D., Penn Country University
Edward Whatley, Instruction and Reference Librarian and Assistant Professor of Library Science (2005)
A.A., Gordon Higher; B.A., Georgia College & State University; M.Fifty.I.Southward., University of Southward Carolina
Catherine J. Whelan, Chair, Section of Accounting, Acquaintance Professor of Bookkeeping (2003)
B.Ec., Macquarie Academy; PG Dip Ed, Queensland University of Applied science; M.B.A., M.Acc., Ph.D., Bond Academy, Australia
Harriett L. Whipple, Professor Emeritus of Biology (1968)
B.S., Furman Academy; M.S., Clemson University; Ph.D., Academy of Northward Carolina
Elaine Whitaker, Chair, Department of English language and Rhetoric, and Professor of English (2006)
B.A., Hendrix College; 1000.A., Ph.D., New York University
J. Noland White, Assistant Professor of Psychology and Director of Advising and Retention (2001)
B.Due south., Yard.Due south. Georgia College; Ph.D., Academy of Tennessee
J. Michael Whitfield, Chair, Section of Management, Professor of Management (1996)
B.S., 1000.S.W., Ph.D., Florida State University
Virginia B. Wilcox, Assistant Professor of Early Childhood Instruction (2008)
B.A., Wesleyan College, M.Eastward.D., and Ph.D., Auburn University
Clifton Wilkinson, Jr. Lecturer in Political Science and Public Assistants (2000)
B.Due south., M.P.A., Georgia College & State Academy
Gita C. Williams-Phelps, Associate Professor of Reckoner Science (1994)
B.S., Georgia College & State University; Yard.S., Ph.D., University of Georgia
Stephen Wills, Assistant Professor of Special Teaching (2009)
B.Due south., Auburn University, One thousand.A.T., Georgia Higher & State Academy; Ph.D., University of Alabama
James Winchester, Associate Professor of Philosophy (2001)
B.A., State Academy of New York; M.A., Ph.D., Emory University
Sheryl Winn, Banana Professor of Nursing (2009)
B.South., Pensacola Christian College; G.S., Emory University
Robert J. Wilson III, Interim Chair, Department of History, Geography, and Philosophy, Professor of History (1987)
B.A., M.A., University of Hawaii; Ph.D., University of Massachusetts
George Westward. Wolfe, Associate Professor of Biology (2002)
B.S., Albright Higher; M.S. Eastern Kentucky University; Ph.D., University of Tennessee
Howard C. Woodard, Professor of Data Systems (2001)
A.A., Center Georgia Higher; B.B.A., Chiliad.M.I.South, Georgia College & State University; M.Southward., Georgia State University; Ed.D., Georgia Southern Academy
Veronica L. Womack, Associate Professor of Political Scientific discipline and Public Administration (2002)
B.A., MPA, Ph.D., University of Alabama
James Wright, Practitioner in Residence of Early Childhood & Middle Grades Education, (2003)
B.Due south., Georgia Higher & State University; Grand.Ed., Georgia College & Land University; SC.5, Georgia Southern University
Tammy J. Wyatt, Assistant Professor of Archival Administration (2005)
B.A., One thousand.F.A., Georgia Higher & Land University
Zhenhui Xu, Professor of Economics (1998)
B.A., Shanghai Normal Academy; M.A., Shanghai University of Finance and Economics; Ph.D., University of Virginia.
Mehenna Yakhou, Professor of Bookkeeping (1994)
B.Southward., University of Algiers; M.B.A., Ph.D., University of California
Jenq-Foung Yao, Associate Professor of Information science (1997)
B.S., National Taiwan Sea Academy; M.S. University of Wyoming; Ph.D., Southern Methodist University
Jiaqin Yang, Professor of Management (1998)
B.S., M.B.A., Eastern Red china Institute of Technology; Ph.D., Georgia Country Academy.
Bessie R. (Tina) Yarborough, Acquaintance Professor of Fine art History and Interdisciplinary Studies (1996)
B.A., Yard.A., University of South Carolina; Ph.D., The University of Chicago
Selma Yildirim-Yolcu, Assistant Professor of Mathematics (2009)
B.S., M.S., METU; Ph.D. Georgia Found of Technology
Turkay Yolcu, Assistant Professor of Mathematics (2008)
B.South., M.S., Middle Eastward Technical University; Ph.D., Georgia Institute of Technology
Larry Dale Young, Interim Dean, The J. Whitney Bunting Higher of Business, Associate Professor of Information Systems (2002)
B.B.A., M.B.A., University of S Florida; Ph.D., University of Georgia
Carolyn Zehnder, Assistant Professor of Biology/Ecology (2008)
B.S., Pennsylvania State University, Ph.D., University of Georgia
Christine Zuger, Associate Managing director for Technical Services and Acquaintance Professor of Library Scientific discipline (1999)
B.A., Wedlock College; M.A., University of Kentucky; M.50.S. Rutgers Academy

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