Easy Rp Rich Presence is It Bad

The issue of Discord Rich Presence has always been a complicated one, and one that I haven't been able to fully address. So, let's talk about Discord Rich Presence then.

Understanding Discord Rich Presence¶

If you use Discord regularly, you'll know that when you load a game, application or other software, it might display a status message in your profile. Both osu!lazer and osu-stable support this feature natively on their respective platforms.


In order for games to use Rich Presence, an additional library or SDK is incorporated into the game.

In the past, Discord used discord-rpc - a library that enabled Rich Presence by including a DLL file with the application, located in the same directory as the executable.

This made it easy for us since we could translate RPC calls from the application, through the Wine compatibility layer, onto your local instance of Discord (which is obviously running outside of Wine), by injecting some code in a modified DLL.

In fact, there are already a number of options available for discord-rpc under Wine. Typing wine discord rpc into Google will fetch you a large number of results, but here are just a few:

  • Marc's discord-rpc.dll implementation

  • Genco's discord-rpc.dll implementation

  • Dark565's discord-rpc compiler

  • Forefront's now-deleted discord-rpc.dll implentation (specific to osu!)

  • null-von-sushi's Discordcomp dummy exe implementation

However, around April 2019 Discord depreceated discord-rpc in favour of GameSDK. This changes things up so that a single discord-rpc.dll file is no longer used. Instead, we look towards a C# wrapper.

osu!'s implementation of GameSDK¶


This section is about to get technical (and it's also a bit convoluted), though it isn't essential to understanding Rich Presence on Wine, so unless you're interested in the technical aspects of osu! and GameSDK, you don't really need ot read this section.

To quote Game4All on #4654:

C# FFI wrapper for the GameSDK is needed (adapting unity wrapper code?) as well as packaging native libraries for every desktop platform.


This comment was made on a pull request (PR) on the osu!lazer codebase, not osu-stable, but the core concept remains the same.

Since osu-stable is closed-source we don't know the precise aspects of the GameSDK implementation they opted into, but the lack of a discord-rpc.dll file bundled with the binary at the very least confirms they have moved to GameSDK. However, since osu! is written in C# (it uses .NET) it has two possible implementations of GameSDK - the Unity implementation and the non-Unity implementation.



The Unity implementation is designed to work with games using the Unity Engine.

If you take a look at the osu!lazer codebase however, you'll see they used a C# implementation that mirrored that of the Unity implementation on the Discord docs.


Whereas the C# with Unity implementation relied on a DiscordController.cs script that gets attached to the main scene (in osu!lazer's case, osu.Desktop ), the C# without Unity implementation relied on a mini library + a DLL file in the same directory as the executable file (sound familiar?).

But I don't think osu! (stable and lazer) does that. If you take a look inside the drive_c/osu! you won't find the discord_game_sdk files, including .bundles or .dll . And the presence of the osu/osu.Desktop/DiscordRichPresence.cs file in the osu!lazer codebase really does suggest that osu! has a Unity-esque implementation of GameSDK.

If osu! used the non-Unity C# implementation of GameSDK…

  • the source files would contain these files


  • and the binary would contain one of the .dll or similar library files


So, what can we conclude? osu! uses the C# Unity-style implementation of Discord's GameSDK in order to facilitate Rich Presence. This is most likely because the Discord Developer Documentation didn't have a reference implementation for non-Unity C# programs at the time when the feature was initially proposed and then eventually implemented..


osu! would only be using the C# non-Unity-style implementation if and only if there was the presence of library files in the binaries and C# source files in the source.

What does that mean for osu!mac?¶

Firstly, let's take a look at the current community implementation(s) of Rich Presence on osu!mac: Technocoder's macOS Wine Bridge, which is a fork of 0e4ef622's Wine Discord IPC Bridge. You can read each respective repository's READMEs for the technical information behind these bridges - which basically just bridge Windows named pipes (e.g \\.\pipe\discord-ipc-0 to Unix named pipes (e.g /run/user/{userid}/discord-ipc-0 ). (Technocoder's fork converts 0e4ef622's to 64-bit system calls, if you're interested)

Let's step back to the beginning. Do you know why there are separate Catalina< and Mojave> Wineskins? It's because with macOS 10.15 Apple removed 32-bit application support. To respond to this change, Techno's Wineskin uses the WineCX19.0.1-1 Wineskin engine, which along with the WS11 engines are the only current options available to getting 64-bit Wine programs to run on Catalina.

While Techno's bridge will work fine on his 10.15 Catalina and later Wineksin, since it's a 64-bit program, with a 64-bit Wineskin, slc's Wineskin uses WS9Wine4.0-rc3 - a 32-bit Wine engine that will ONLY run 32-bit Wine programs.

This took me a while to figure out, especially since cmd wasn't too useful (giving me only ShellExecuteEx failed: File not found ), but after running the Wineskin under a Test Run, the Test logs revealed a Bad EXE format for C:\osu!\bridge.exe . This meant that Wineskin wasn't able to run the 64-bit program provided by Techno, which makes much more complete sense considering there isn't a Program Files (x86) folder under slc's Wineskin and that running the file command on both files (in my local Terminal) revealed that they were in fact differing in architecture.

            Adrian@192-168-1-102 ~> file            '/Users/Adrian/Desktop/osu!.app/Contents/Resources/drive_c/osu!/osu!.exe'            /Users/Adrian/Desktop/osu!.app/Contents/Resources/drive_c/osu!/osu!.exe: PE32 executable            (GUI)            Intel            80386            Mono/.Net assembly,            for            MS Windows Adrian@192-168-1-102 ~> file            '/Users/Adrian/Desktop/osu!.app/Contents/Resources/drive_c/osu!/bridge.exe'            /Users/Adrian/Desktop/osu!.app/Contents/Resources/drive_c/osu!/bridge.exe: PE32+ executable            (GUI)            x86-64,            for            MS Windows          

(notice how osu! is PE32 [32-bit] while bridge is PE32+ [64-bit])

Actually, Technocoder's bridge is just a fork of 0e4ef622's original POC and the most important thing it changes is converting the 32-bit system calls to 64-bit system calls.

So really, all we'd need to do in our 32-bit Wineskin is to use the original 32-bit executable, right?

Unfortunately, while 0e4ef622's bridge loaded, bringing up:

            Pipe Server: Main thread awaiting client connection on            \\\\.\\pipe\\discord-ipc-0          

and koukono's fork (which I compiled myself using mingw-w64)

            Opening discord-ipc-0 Windows pipe\          

(which really are just the same section of the code - the mainloop that tries to create a pipe)

                        int                                    _tmain            (            VOID            )                        {                                                BOOL                                    fConnected                                    =                                    FALSE            ;                                                DWORD                                    dwThreadId                                    =                                    0            ;                                                HANDLE                                    hThread                                    =                                    NULL            ;                                                LPCTSTR                                    lpszPipename                                    =                                    TEXT            (            "            \\\\            .            \\            pipe            \\            discord-ipc-0"            );                                                // The main loop creates an instance of the named pipe and                                    // then waits for a client to connect to it. When the client                                    // connects, a thread is created to handle communications                                    // with that client, and this loop is free to wait for the                                    // next client connect request. It is an infinite loop.                                    _tprintf            (                                    TEXT            (            "Pipe Server: Main thread awaiting client connection on %s            \n            "            ),                                    lpszPipename            );                                                hPipe                                    =                                    CreateNamedPipe            (                                                lpszPipename            ,                                    // pipe name                                    PIPE_ACCESS_DUPLEX            ,                                    // read/write access                                    PIPE_TYPE_BYTE                                    |                                    // message type pipe                                    PIPE_READMODE_BYTE                                    |                                    // message-read mode                                    PIPE_WAIT            ,                                    // blocking mode                                    1            ,                                    // max. instances                                    BUFSIZE            ,                                    // output buffer size                                    BUFSIZE            ,                                    // input buffer size                                    0            ,                                    // client time-out                                    NULL            );                                    // default security attribute                                    if                                    (            hPipe                                    ==                                    INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE            )                                                {                                                _tprintf            (            TEXT            (            "CreateNamedPipe failed, GLE=%d.            \n            "            ),                                    GetLastError            ());                                                return                                    -1            ;                                                }                                                // Wait for the client to connect; if it succeeds,                                    // the function returns a nonzero value. If the function                                    // returns zero, GetLastError returns ERROR_PIPE_CONNECTED.                                    fConnected                                    =                                    ConnectNamedPipe            (            hPipe            ,                                    NULL            )                                    ?                                                TRUE                                    :                                    (            GetLastError            ()                                    ==                                    ERROR_PIPE_CONNECTED            );                      

they both couldn't make a connection with the client (except for 0e4ef622's bridge which immediately crashed upon Client connected. )

I would have loved to delve into this and see why it wasn't working - maybe it could be something to do with the WINEPREFIX or something else entirely, however, I've already spent enough time trying to get Discord RPC working and my research ends here. But I think this discussion, even if it is overcomplicated and probably unnecessary, could help other people trying to get Rich Presence properly working under Wine (at least with the existing bridges) and these are basically just my research notes for if I ever want to work on this again.

As an FYI, it seems that other people have been having issues too.

EDIT (19 October 2020): Technocoder pointed out that the original base fork from 0e4ef622 uses Linux namespaces, not macOS namespaces. So in order for Rich Presence to work on Mac, someone needs to create a fork that keeps the 32-bit calls of the original base fork, while changing to Linux namespaces like Techno's fork.


If you feel that you have something to add - feel free to make a PR on GitHub.

Licensing information¶

No license was provided with the above code samples from 0e4ef622 and koukono, therefore all rights reserved. However, I hope my usage is okay (and information about DMCA, Copyright and Licensing can be viewed in License


Source: https://osu-mac.readthedocs.io/en/latest/issues/discord-disc.html

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